January SOAP Guide
Theme: Renewal and Dedication Through Prayer
Purpose of This Guide
This guide includes a few days to help you get started. As you continue reading, try using the same method on your own. Remember, it’s not about getting everything perfect—it’s about spending time with God, seeking Him, and letting His Word transform your heart.
How to Use SOAP for Spiritual Growth
S: Scripture
January Daily SOAP Readings
Week 1: Beginning in Renewal
Jan 1 – Psalm 51:10-12; Lamentations 3:22-26
Focused Verse: Psalm 51:10
"Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me."
Jan 2 – Matthew 6:5-15
Focused Verse: Matthew 6:9
"Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name."
Jan 3 – Philippians 3:12-14
Focused Verse: Philippians 3:13
"Forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead."
Jan 4 – Isaiah 40:28-31
Focused Verse: Isaiah 40:31
"But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint."
Theme: Renewal and Dedication Through Prayer
Purpose of This Guide
This guide includes a few days to help you get started. As you continue reading, try using the same method on your own. Remember, it’s not about getting everything perfect—it’s about spending time with God, seeking Him, and letting His Word transform your heart.
How to Use SOAP for Spiritual Growth
S: Scripture
- Write out the day’s Scripture or the verse that stands out to you.
- Engage with the text by focusing on key words or phrases.
- Ask: What does this reveal about God’s character, actions, or promises?
- Context matters:
- Who is the audience? What is happening?
- How does this fit into the larger biblical narrative? (The meta-narrative refers to God’s overarching plan of creation, fall, redemption, and restoration.)
- Ask: How can I live in light of what I’ve learned about God?
- Reflect on what the passage reveals about God’s character—His holiness, mercy, justice, love, or power—and consider how you can align your life with who He is, striving to reflect His nature in your actions and attitudes.
- Pray in response to what you’ve learned about God. Thank Him for who He is, confess where you fall short, and ask for His help to live in alignment with His character.
January Daily SOAP Readings
Week 1: Beginning in Renewal
Jan 1 – Psalm 51:10-12; Lamentations 3:22-26
Focused Verse: Psalm 51:10
"Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me."
- S: Write Psalm 51:10.
- O: God desires to cleanse and restore those who turn to Him with repentance. He is merciful and faithful to renew His people.
- Meta-narrative: God’s plan of redemption includes restoring broken people to Himself through repentance and faith.
- A: How can you seek God’s cleansing in your life today? How can you reflect His mercy to others?
- P: Pray for a clean heart and a spirit that seeks God’s holiness.
Jan 2 – Matthew 6:5-15
Focused Verse: Matthew 6:9
"Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name."
- S: Write Matthew 6:9.
- O: God is holy and invites us to approach Him with reverence and trust. He provides for His people and forgives their sins.
- Meta-narrative: God desires a relationship with His people and invites them to participate in His kingdom work.
- A: How can you pray with greater reverence for God and trust in His provision?
- P: Praise God for His holiness and care. Ask Him to align your heart with His will.
Jan 3 – Philippians 3:12-14
Focused Verse: Philippians 3:13
"Forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead."
- S: Write Philippians 3:13.
- O: God calls us to focus on His purposes and not be held back by the past. He equips His people to press on toward the future He has prepared.
- Meta-narrative: God’s redemptive plan involves His people striving toward their ultimate calling in Christ.
- A: What is one way you can let go of distractions and pursue God’s purpose for you this year?
- P: Pray for strength to leave behind what hinders your walk with God and press on toward His calling.
Jan 4 – Isaiah 40:28-31
Focused Verse: Isaiah 40:31
"But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint."
- S: Write Isaiah 40:31.
- O: God is eternal, powerful, and faithful to sustain His people. He renews the strength of those who trust Him.
- Meta-narrative: God is the unchanging sustainer of His creation, who calls His people to rely on Him fully.
- A: How can you practice waiting on God with trust and patience?
- P: Praise God for His strength and faithfulness. Ask Him to renew your spirit as you trust in Him.