Pray First 2025

Life Chapel desires to begin each year with an emphasis on both prayer and fasting. This brings unity of heart to the congregation, focuses us for the new year, and provides new opportunities for us to gather to pray.

Please read through this webpage to see the opportunities to pray, download our 2025 Prayer Guide and signup for any prayer groups that you'd like to join.

What is Fasting?

Fasting is dedicated time of abstaining from physical sustenance to feast on spiritual sustenance. Some types of fasting include:
  • Complete Fast - This fast calls for drinking only liquids. Typically water with light juices as an option. Always get medical supervision. There are certain persons who should NEVER fast without professional supervision. Use just plain good sense. Don’t fast if you have medical or dietary reasons that prohibit. Be in the “spirit” of a fast–apply your heart.
  • Selective Fast - This type of fast involves removing certain elements from a diet. Best example of a selective fast is the Daniel Fast. Remove meat, sweets, or bread from your diet. Consume water and juice and fruits and vegetables
  • Partial Fast - This fast is sometimes called the Jewish fast - certain meals. Fast all day, eat the evening meal.
  • Soul Fast - Any area of the soul - social media, movies, news. Get away from life as usual. Special times of prayer and intercession; replace meals with prayer; spend extra time in God’s Word when fasting.

Strength in Unity

Life Chapel is participating together in 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting from January 5th - 25th.

Purpose in Prayer

The purpose is to intentionally spend time in prayer during these 21 days of prayer and fasting.